
Nishkalanka Seva Home on Saturday 19th August 2017
On 19th August, a group of visitors from “Our Lady of Egypt” Church, Kalina, visited senior citizens at Nishkalanka Seva Home. It is one of the well-known parishes in the archdiocese of Mumbai. Some of our senior citizens belong to this Parish. They were twelve in a group belonging to the “Family Cell”. They arrived at NSH at 10.30 am refreshed themselves and had a chat with our senior citizens and the staff. They were served tea and biscuits.

At around 11.00 am after refreshing themselves they sang some action songs, party songs, danced open floor dance along with senior citizens of N S H. It was a beautiful time together for the young and old. This gave an eye opener for those who came from Mumbai to experience how the senior citizens at N S H are very active and happy people. They were also pleased to see how the Administrator, staff and domestic help mingled together to make the seniors joyful.

At about 12.00 noon they wound up the programme by thanking Mother Mary, our patroness, with the Angelus by Sr. Stella Chinnappa.

Sr. Eugine Nirmala, the Administrator arranged this group to visit N S H at their request. Sister also requested Mr. Rudelph Antony Archer to accompany this group as a volunteer while they were in the home. He is a retired Navy Commander. They thanked the Administrator, staff and Senior citizens. They left the vicinity at 12.15 pm.

Mr. Bernard of Nishkalanka Seva Home

The family group led by Mr. Christopher Arlick and his blood sister, visited Nishkalanka Seva Home at 10.30 am and interacted with the Senior Citizens. A Senior citizen conducted a sing song programme of Party/Picnic songs followed by an open floor dance session for one and all. Many of the senior citizens were persuaded to come on the dance floor and do the jive, foxtrot and waltz. Two of the senior citizens Mrs. Patricia and Mrs. Xenia (who is blind) lit up the dance floor and impressed everyone in particular Miss. Namita and her mother Joyce Aranha. They concluded their visit with a prayer and promised to come again.

They brought cakes for the senior citizens. Mr. Stanes Francis Bhor and his wife Mrs. Catherine Bhor donated Rs. 5,000.00 (Five Thousand). Thanks for their generosity, may God bless them.

These are the following names of the persons who visited us:- Sr. Juliana MSA, Mr. Herman Aranha, Mrs. Joyce Aranha, Miss. Namita Aranha (student) Leonie John, Lorraine Pinheria, Christopher Arlick, Marush Saldanha, Abline Jacinto, Armando Cardar, Stanes Francis Bhor, Catherine Bhor.

Reported by Sr. Prisila S A C